Saturday, August 29, 2009

Great post on WSJ blog

Author Michelle Gerdes bravely writes about her experience with PPD and returning to work on The Wall Street Journal's Blog, The Juggle.

At the close of her article, she asks for readers' comments about their own experiences. Be forewarned, though, some of the comments are those who obviously haven't learned about non-judgmental mom-to-mom support - a principal we hold so dear here at POEM. Several are, though, thoughtful comments from mothers who've experienced similar issues, yet again showing that sharing our trials, really does help us feel not so alone.

Thank you, Ms. Gerdes, for opening up about your struggles.

Thank you, Jane Honikman.

At the Postpartum Support International(PSI) Annual Conference earlier this month, your humble POEM directors were presented with the Jane Honikman Award. Jane is the founder of PSI, and the award was created to note "outstanding contributions to the goal of increased awareness of emotional health relating to childbearing."

Not only is it an honor to be recognized for our work, but to receive it from Jane - Wow. She's a powerhouse in a petite package. She has continually appeared undaunted by the many obstacles in the recognition of both postpartum mood disorders and the immense value of social support. She has forged on -providing a voice of support and leadership to both countless families and survivors who look to follow in her footsteps.

Thank you.

Check out Jane's warm & welcoming website here.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Upcoming Support Meetings

Our next Columbus area Support Group meeting is one week away - August 25. We begin around 7pm.

We meet at Northwest Counseling Center, 1560 Fishinger Rd, Columbus, 43221. CLICK HERE for map/directions.

Additional Meeting Dates -

Saturdays, 10am:
Sept. 12
Oct. 10
Nov. 14
Dec. 12

Tuesdays, 7pm:
Aug. 25
Sept. 29
Oct. 27
Nov. 24
Dec. 29

Hope to see you there! Please call the Support Line, 614.315.8989, or email if you have any questions.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009