Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Managing Holiday Stress

POEM would like to remind you to acknowledge your feelings and take breathers this Holiday season. It's okay to to express your feelings or to take 10-15 minutes out of your day to de-stress. Some favorites: take a winter wonderland walk to look at lights, curl up with a "classic," listen to calming music, nap by the fire. Happy Holidays friends.

Find more information on managing Holiday stress here:

It’s okay to reach out for help.
That’s why we’re here.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

December Meetings + New Page Feature

Our Support Group meeting schedule for December:
Saturday, December 12 at 10am
Tuesday, December 29 at 7pm

Northwest Counseling
1560 Fishinger Rd. Columbus, 43221
CLICK HERE for map/directions

From now on, you will be able to find our next support group meeting over to the right on this page. There's a little map with the meeting location below the date. With this addition, we'll be able to resume posting other content back on this page. We'd stopped adding other content following the feedback that our meeting announcements were difficult to locate when there were other postings here. Now that we've hopefully resolved that issue, you'll begin to see other items that may be of interest posted here again.

As always, we welcome any thoughts and suggestions regarding the content an format of this page.

It’s okay to reach out for help.
That’s why we’re here.