Sunday, March 8, 2009

Great "Wellness Wisdom" Tips from DBSA

Can't seem to get a laundry list of worries from consuming your thoughts?

Feeling frustrated about not being able to control or accomplish all that you want?

Try out these tips from the Facing Us Clubhouse
from the fantastic folks at the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance:

Worry Writing
"When I feel overwhelmed with anxiety, I sometimes take out my journal and make a "worry list.” I start with the sentence stem, “I am worried that…”, and finish the sentence with as many things as I can think of. I don’t stop until I cannot think of any more. One time I had 31 worries! Getting all those worries written out is better than having them swirling around in my head. It helps me feel a little more in control."

“Can” Coping
"When I go through a depression, I’ve found it helpful to reframe my limitations in terms of “I can’t ____, but I can ____.” I don’t remember where I learned this, but I am grateful to whoever invented this coping strategy. An example is “I can’t do a lot of activities with my daughter, but I can encourage her to have her friends over to keep her engaged and entertained.” Or 'I can’t work right now, but I can do a bit of volunteering to make me feel productive and useful.' "

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