Friday, February 12, 2010

"Parents need to take care of themselves before they take care of a baby." - Jennifer Shu, pediatrician

A growing number of pediatricians are speaking up about the importance of looking at the health of their patient's parents. These great docs recognize how integral the health and well being of mom and dad are to the child. Here's a recent article in USA Today, Pediatricians often step in to treat new parents, too, featuring a few of these forward-thinking practitioners.

We are fortunate to see this same trend in our local pediatricians as well. The interest in addressing maternal mental health during recent educational presentations at Nationwide Children's Hospital Grand Rounds, NCH Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics and Olentangy Pediatrics have been some of the most vibrant and engaging we've encountered.

Not feeling like yourself? Speak up. Your child's pediatrician is listening.

It’s okay to reach out for help.

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