Monday, February 14, 2011

You're Amazing.

I certainly know this isn't the way Bruno Mars meant it, but when I heard this song on the radio this morning...

I thought of our POEM moms.
So many of you feel like you're doing things wrong. Like there's One Right Way to parent. But your symptoms - of a perinatal mood/anxiety disorder - hide the truth that there is no perfect. If you are trying, you are perfect. "If perfect's what you're seaching for, than just stay the same," he sings.

When you're suffering from anxiety, depression, strange thoughts, you sure don't feel amazing. Anything but. But those symptoms have nothing to do with your beauty. I see you with your babies at group, and I hear your hurt --but I see the love for your child. I see that you're trying so hard. And it is amazing, your strength and courage. In another line, Bruno croons "It's so sad to think that she don't see what I see," and I wish that you could see the beautiful mother that I see.

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