Monday, November 28, 2011

New Baby = Holiday Hype

It’s the most wonderful time of your life.
It’s the most wonderful time of the year.

It’s magical!

Aren’t you so excited?

Do you have your shopping done?

The similarities between the anticipation of a new baby and the anticipation of the fun and excitement of the holidays are pretty darn similar. And, likewise, some parts are similarly mythical.

Yes, there are magical, amazing, exciting moments.  Moments to cherish.  But a sustained wowee-wowee-wow-this-is-so-great-all-day-long doesn’t exist in reality. We spend quite a bit of time at POEM de-bunking the myths about new motherhood that get in the way of mom's mental and physical health.  How about addressing these same issues in the context of the holiday season?  There’s often:

Lack of sleep

Unsolicited advice

Budget strains

Visitors: some helpful, some not so much

Long to-do lists

...And other stresses on our minds and bodies which aren’t regularly present. So, taking some regular reality checks on how we’re taking care of ourselves is one of the few must-do items to put on the list.

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